Friday, January 19, 2018

Pinus radiata (Monterey Pine)

 8/8/17 Beach access trail from Oceano campground to 
Oceano Dunes SRVA, San Luis Obispo County, CA

8/8/17 Beach access trail from Oceano campground to 
Oceano Dunes SRVA, San Luis Obispo County, CA


COMMON NAME: Monterey Pine

SPECIES: Pinus radiata

FAMILY: Pinaceae (Pine Family)


LOCATION: Beach access trail from Oceano campground to Oceano Dunes SRVA, San Luis Obispo County, CA

Jepson eFlora:

Stem: trunk < 38 m, < 2.1 m wide, in youth < 2 m growth per year; mature bark black, deep-grooved; mature crown irregular, round-topped. 

Leaf: (2)3 per bundle, 6--15 cm, dark green; sheath persistent. 

Seed Cone:recurved, 6--15 cm, asymmetric, light brown, opening slowly 2nd year, persistent < 25 years; stalk < 15 mm; proximal scale tip knobs < 2 cm, rounded, minute-prickled. 

Seed: < wing. 

Ecology: Closed-cone-pine forest, oak woodland; 

Elevation: < 1300 m. 

Bioregional Distribution: CCo (near Point Año Nuevo; vicinity of Monterey Peninsula; Cambria-San Simeon area; all < 300 m) (naturalized NCo, CCo, SCo, PR (Santa Ana Mtns)); 

Distribution Outside California: islands off Baja California; naturalized? where escaped or introduced southern Oregon, Europe, Africa, Australia, New Zealand. 

Note: Leaves generally 2 per bundle on Cedros, Guadalupe islands. 

eFlora Treatment Author: J. Robert Haller & Nancy J. Vivrette

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