4/3/11 Shavers Valley, Riverside County, CA
4/9/95 Cactus Loop Trail across from Tamarisk Grove Campground, Anza Borrego
Desert State Park, San Diego County, CA
4/3/11 Shavers Valley
3/8/03 Shavers Valley
3/8/03 Shavers Valley
3/4/17 Shaver's Valley, E. Riverside County, CA
3/4/17 Shaver's Valley, E. Riverside County, CA
3/4/17 Shaver's Valley, E. Riverside County, CA
3/4/17 Shaver's Valley, E. Riverside County, CA
SPECIES: Fouquieria splendens
FAMILY: Fouquieriaceae (Ocotillo Family)
FAMILY: Fouquieriaceae (Ocotillo Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 4/9/1995
LOCATION: Cactus Loop Trail across from Tamarisk Grove Campground, Anza Borrego Desert State Park, San Diego County, CA
Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):
Stems branched near base, erect to outwardly arching or ascending, 6–100, 2–10 m, generally < 6 cm diam, cane-like, leafless most of year; bark gray with darker furrows; spines 1–4 cm
Leaves: primary 1–5 cm, petioles 1–2.5 cm; secondary 2–6 per cluster, 1–2 cm, 4–9 mm wide, petioles 2–8 mm, blade spoon-shaped to obovate, tip rounded to notched
Inflorescence: panicle, generally 10–20 cm, widely to narrowly conic
Flower: corolla 1.8–2.5 cm, bright red
Fruit ± 2 cm
Ecology: Dry, generally rocky soils
Elevation: 0–700 m.
Bioregional distribution: Sonoran Desert
Distribution outside California: to Texas, c Mexico, Baja California
Flowering time: Mar–Jul
Sts used for fences, huts; bark for waxes, gums

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