4/4/04 Wash off Cottonwood Road between I-10 and Joshua Tree National Park
Visitor Center, Riverside County, CA
4/4/04 Cottonwood Road
4/3/11 Meccacopia Trail, Box Canyon Road, Mecca Hills, Riverside County, CA
3/8/03 Box Canyon Road south of Sheep Hole Oasis Trail, Mecca Hills,
Riverside County, CA
COMMON NAME: Whitebract Blazing Star, Sand Blazing Star
COMMON NAME: Whitebract Blazing Star, Sand Blazing Star
SPECIES: Mentzelia involucrata
FAMILY: Loasaceae (Stickleaf Family)
FAMILY: Loasaceae (Stickleaf Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 3/8/2003
LOCATION: Box Canyon Road south of Sheep Hole Oasis Trail, Mecca Hills, Riverside County, CA
Annual 7–35 cm
Leaves 2–18 cm, generally irregularly toothed
Inflorescence: bracts 4–5 per flower, (ob)ovate, white-scarious, margin green, 3–10-toothed or -lobed
Flower: sepals 7–23 mm; petals 13–62 mm, cream-yellow with orange veins; stamens 4–26 mm, filament 2-toothed at tip; style 8–30 mm
Fruit 14–22 mm, 5–10 mm wide, straight
Seed 2–3 mm, 2–2.5 mm wide, ± compressed, beaked, narrowed above and below middle, rough, ashy white
Ecology: Washes, fans, steep slopes, creosote-bush scrub
Elevation: < 900 m.
Bioregional distribution: Desert
Distribution outside California: n Mexico
Flowering time: Jan–May
Horticultural information: TRY.

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