3/12/17 Vernal Pool Trail, Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve,
Murrieta, SW Riverside County, CA
3/23/02 Vernal Pool Trail, Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Riverside County, CA
3/23/02 Vernal Pool Trail, Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve
COMMON NAME: Purple Sanicle
COMMON NAME: Purple Sanicle
SPECIES: Sanicula bipinnatifida
FAMILY: Apiaceae (Carrot Family)
FAMILY: Apiaceae (Carrot Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 3/23/2002
LOCATION: Vernal Pool Trail, Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, SW Riverside County, CA
Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):
Plant 12–60 cm, taproot
Leaf simple, 1–2-pinnately dissected, green, glaucous, or purplish; blade 4–19 cm, oblong-ovate to ± round, main divisions generally 7 or more, generally narrow, coarsely toothed
Inflorescence: peduncle 0.5–16 cm; bracts 6–8, 2.5 mm, lanceolate, slightly fused at base, < heads; pedicel of bisexual flower 0, of staminate 2 mm, < fruit
Flowers: bisexual 8–10; staminate 10–12; calyx lobes 0.8–1 mm, widely lanceolate, acute, slightly fused at base; corolla purple or yellow; styles 2 X calyx lobes
Fruits 3–8 per head, 3–6 mm, ovate to round, with stout, curved, inflated, bulbous-based prickles
Seed: face concave
Ecology: Open grassland, often serpentine, or pine/oak woodland
Elevation: 20–1200 m.
Bioregional distribution: Northwestern California, Sierra Nevada Foothills, Central Western California, Southwestern California
Distribution outside California: to British Columbia, Baja California

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