3/12/17 Vernal Pool Trail, Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve,
Murrieta, SW Riverside County, CA
COMMON NAME: White Everlasting
SPECIES: Pseudognaphalium canescens
FAMILY: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
LOCATION: Vernal Pool Trail, Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Murrieta, SW Riverside County, CA
Treatment from Jepson eFlora:
Habit: Annual or perennial herb.
Stem: 2--10+ dm, persistently tomentose, not glandular.
Leaf: generally 2--4(5) cm, 2--8(15) mm wide, +- oblanceolate, not clasping, not decurrent, flat, opposing faces weakly contrasting in color, tomentose, adaxially less densely so, occasionally also sessile-glandular.
Inflorescence: generally loose, rounded to +- flat-topped; involucre 4--5 mm, top- to bell-shaped when pressed; phyllaries in 3--4 series, narrowly lance-ovate, dull to shiny, white, opaque to transparent, glabrous.
Pistillate Flower: (16)24--44.
Disk Flower: (1)2--5(6), 5--6 more common in northern part of range.
Fruit: ridged, weakly papillate-roughened.
Elevation: < 2500 m.
Bioregional Distribution: c SNH, SCo, SnGb, SnBr, PR, DMtns;
Distribution Outside California: Utah and Arizona to Oklahoma, Texas, Mexico.
Flowering Time: Aug--Oct
Synonyms: Gnaphalium canescens DC.; Gnaphalium wrightii A. Gray
Jepson eFlora Author: Guy L. Nesom
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