7/10/07 Rock Creek, Little Lakes/Mosquito Flat Trailhead,
Inyo National Forest, Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
Inyo National Forest, Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
7/10/07 Rock Creek
7/3/16 North Lake, Bishop region, Inyo National Forest,
Eastern Sierra, Inyo County, CA
7/4/16 Seep off Rock Creek Road, Inyo National Forest,
Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
7/3/16 North Lake, Bishop region, Inyo National Forest,
Eastern Sierra, Inyo County, CA
7/4/16 Seep off Rock Creek Road, Inyo National Forest,
Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
7/7/07 Meadow off Hwy. 108W just west of Sonora Pass Historical Marker,
elevation 9,624,' Stanislaus National Forest, Sierra Nevada, Mono County, CA
elevation 9,624,' Stanislaus National Forest, Sierra Nevada, Mono County, CA
7/1/05 Roadside seep across meadow before South Lake, Bishop Region,
Inyo National Forest, Eastern Sierra, Inyo County, CA
8/15/11 Onion Valley, Independence Region,
Inyo National Forest, Eastern Sierra, Inyo County, CA
4/29/00 Eaton Canyon Nature Center, Los Angeles County, CA
COMMON NAME: Western Columbine
COMMON NAME: Western Columbine
SPECIES: Aquilegia formosa
FAMILY: Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 4/29/2000
LOCATION: Eaton Canyon Nature Center, Los Angeles County, CA
Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):
Plant 20–80(150) cm
Leaves: basal and lower cauline 2–3-ternate, petioles 5–30(40) cm, segments 7–45(130) mm; upper cauline generally simple to deeply 3-lobed
Inflorescence: flower nodding, in fruit erect
Flower: sepals 12–20(25) mm, red; petal blade 1–8 mm, yellow, spur (4)10–23 mm, ± straight to ± incurved, tube red, tip 1.5–4 mm wide, mouth 4–8 mm wide, ± round, ± 90° to flower axis, red to yellowish; stamens 10–18 mm
Ecology: Streambanks, seeps, moist places, chaparral, oak woodland, mixed-evergreen or coniferous forestElevation: < 3300 m.
Bioregional distribution: California Floristic Province (except Great Central Valley, South Coast, Channel Islands), Great Basin Floristic Province, Desert Mountains
Distribution outside California: to Alaska, Montana, Baja California
Flowering time: Jul
Synonyms: vars. hypolasia (Greene) Munz, pauciflora (Greene) H.S. Boothman, truncata (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Baker; forma anomala J.T. Howell
Lf variation needs study; plants with pale green to glaucous, generally 3-ternate leaves (DMtns), have been called A. shockleyi Eastw

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