7/11/07 Roadside, Bishop Creek at Lake Sabrina, Inyo National Forest,
E. Sierra, Inyo County, CA
COMMON NAME: Desertsweet, Fernbush, Mountain Misery
SPECIES: Chamaebatiaria millefolium
FAMILY: Rosaceae (Rose Family)
LOCATION: Roadside, Bishop Creek at Lake Sabrina, Inyo National Forest, E. Sierra, Inyo County, CA
Treatment from Jepson eFlora:
Habit: Shrub 6--20 dm, strong-smelling, evergreen, densely branched, generally stellate-hairy, glandular.
Leaf: alternate, odd-(1)2-pinnately compound, 2--8 cm, oblong; stipules entire; 1° leaflets 13--25; 2° leaflets 6--10, 0.8--2 mm, sessile, entire, lobed, or toothed; petioles, axes hairy adaxially.
Inflorescence:panicle or raceme, 3--15 cm, flowers 20--400; pedicel bractlets 1--21.
Flower: hypanthium bractlets 0; sepals 5, 2.5--4 mm, lanceolate, acute, abaxially glandular-hairy; petals 5, +- 5 mm, +- round, white; pistils 4--5, ovaries superior, +- fused below, ovules generally >= 2, styles free.
Fruit: follicles, 3--5 mm, red-brown, leathery, dehiscent on inner suture, upper 1/2 of outer.
Seed: few, 2.5--3.5 mm, narrow-fusiform, +- yellow.
Ecology: Dry, rocky sagebrush scrub, pinyon/juniper woodland, pine forest;
Elevation: 900--3400 m.
Bioregional Distribution: KR, CaR, SN (e slope), GB, ne DMtns;
Distribution Outside California: to Oregon, southern Idaho, Utah, Arizona.
Flowering Time: Jun--Aug
Jepson eFlora Author: Brian Vanden Heuvel & Thomas J. Rosatti
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