7/27/97 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve, San Bernardino County, CA
4/3/11 Meccacopia Trailhead, Box Canyon Road, Mecca Hills, Riverside County, CA
4/3/11 Meccacopia Trailhead
COMMON NAME: Desert Willow
COMMON NAME: Desert Willow
SPECIES: Chilopsis linearis
FAMILY: Bignoniaceae (Bignonia Family)
FAMILY: Bignoniaceae (Bignonia Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 7/27/1997
LOCATION: Big Morongo Canyon Preserve, San Bernardino County, CA
Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):
Shrub or tree 1.5–7 m, willow-like
Leaves deciduous, generally alternate (often some opposite to whorled on same plant); blade 10–26 cm, ± linear, curved
Inflorescence: panicle or raceme, terminal
Fruit < 35 cm, linear, round in X -section
Seed 6–12 mm, oblong; both ends long-hairy
Ecology: Common. Sandy washes
Elevation: < 1500 m.
Bioregional distribution: Desert, adjacent Transverse Ranges, Peninsular Ranges
Distribution outside California: to Utah, New Mexico, n Mexico
Flowering time: May–Sep

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