Saturday, February 6, 2016

Malosma laurina (Laurel Sumac)

7/4/97 La Jolla Valley Loop Trail, Pt. Mugu State Park,
Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles County, CA

7/4/97 La Jolla Valley Loop Trail


COMMON NAME: Laurel Sumac

SPECIES: Malosma laurina

FAMILY: Anacardiaceae (Sumac Family)


LOCATION: La Jolla Valley Loop Trail, Pt. Mugu State Park, Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles County, CA


Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):

Shrub, small tree, 2–6 m; flowers bisexual or unisexual

Leaf simple, evergreen; petiole 10–40 mm; blade 3–10 cm, 2–4.5 cm wide, elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, ± leathery, ± folded along midrib, tip abruptly pointed, margin entire

Inflorescence: branches slender in bud; bractlets < 1.5 mm

Flower: sepals green, margins entire; petals generally white

Fruit 2–3 mm diam, glabrous, ± white

Ecology: Slopes, canyons, chaparral

Elevation: < 1000 m.  

Bioregional distribution: Southwestern California 

Distribution outside California: Baja California

Synonyms: Rhus l. Nutt

Horticultural information: DRN, DRY: 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.

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