7/4/16 Seep off Rock Creek Road, Inyo National Forest,
Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
7/4/16 Seep off Rock Creek Road, Inyo National Forest,
Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
7/5/02 Mono Lake County Park, Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
7/6/02 Onion Valley at 9,200' elevation, Independence Region,
Inyo National Forest, Eastern Sierra, Inyo County, CA
7/4/05 Blue Lake, Warner Mountain Ranger District,
Modoc National Forest, Lassen County, CA
7/4/05 Blue Lake
7/8/16 Mill Creek, Lundy Canyon Trail, Inyo National Forest,
Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA

8/15/11 Onion Valley
7/10/07 Roadside seep off Rock Creek Road, between Rock Creek Resort and Pine Camp,
Inyo National Forest, Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
7/12/09 Yellow Pine Nature Trail, Idyllwild County Park, San Jacinto Mountains,
Riverside County, CA
7/4/05 Blue Lake, Warner Mountain Ranger District,
Modoc National Forest, Lassen County, CA
7/4/05 Blue Lake
7/8/16 Mill Creek, Lundy Canyon Trail, Inyo National Forest,
Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA

8/15/11 Onion Valley
7/10/07 Roadside seep off Rock Creek Road, between Rock Creek Resort and Pine Camp,
Inyo National Forest, Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
7/12/09 Yellow Pine Nature Trail, Idyllwild County Park, San Jacinto Mountains,
Riverside County, CA
7/8/00 Onion Valley Road, Inyo National Forest, Eastern Sierra, Inyo County, CA
COMMON NAME: Sierra Rein Orchid, White-Flowered Bog Orchid
COMMON NAME: Sierra Rein Orchid, White-Flowered Bog Orchid
SPECIES: Platanthera leucostachys
FAMILY: Orchidaceae (Orchid Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 7/8/2000
LOCATION: Two observed on right side of Onion Valley Road approaching campground/trailheads in boggy, moist soil, Independence Region, Inyo National Forest, Eastern Sierra, Inyo County, CA
Treatment from the Jepson Manual (1993):
Plant 15–100 cm
Leaves: cauline 5–25 cm, 9–30 mm wide
Inflorescence 5–35 cm, generally dense; lower bracts 9–25 mm
Flower: perianth white to cream; sepals 4–8 mm; lip 5–10 mm, abruptly wider below middle, pendent; spur 5–15 mm, 1–2 X lip in CA, generally cylindric, ± curved; column generally < 1/2 upper sepal
Ecology: Wet, generally open places, meadows
Elevation: < 3400 m.
Bioregional distribution: California Floristic Province (except Great Central Valley), Great Basin Floristic Province, n Desert Mountains (Panamint Mtns)
Distribution outside California: to Alaska, Montana, Utah
Flowering time: May–Sep

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