7/4/05 Unpaved portion of Forest Service Road 64 between Blue Lake turnoff from
Cty Rd 258 and Patterson @Modoc & Lassen Cty lines,
Modoc National Forest, Warner Mountain Ranger District, CA
COMMON NAME: Dwarf Larkspur, Blue Mountain Larkspur
COMMON NAME: Dwarf Larkspur, Blue Mountain Larkspur
SPECIES: Delphinium depauperatum
FAMILY: Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 7/4/2005
LOCATION: Unpaved portion of Forest Service Road 64 between Blue Lake turnoff from Cty Rd 258 and Patterson @Modoc & Lassen Cty lines, Modoc National Forest, Warner Mountain Ranger District, CA
Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):
Root < 5 cm
Stem 7–60 (generally < 40) cm; base ± glabrous, generally not reddish
Leaves mostly basal (cauline much reduced), ± glabrous; lobes 5–10
Inflorescence ± 1-sided; flowers 4–22; pedicels ascending, 7–73 mm, 15–50 mm apart, puberulent, often glandular
Flower: lateral sepals 11–13 mm, spur 12–16 mm
Fruit 9–16 mm
Seed winged, shiny, ± bumpy
Ecology: Moist meadows
Elevation: 1900–2600 m.
Bioregional distribution: n&c High Sierra Nevada, Warner Mountains
Distribution outside California: Oregon, Nevada
Synonyms: D. diversifolium subsp. harneyense Ewan
May hybridize with D. nuttallianum

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