4/3/17 Ricardo Campground, Red Rock Canyon State Park,
Kern County, CA
4/3/17 Ricardo Campground, Red Rock Canyon State Park,
Kern County, CA
COMMON NAME: Wallace's Eriophyllum, Wallace's Woolydaisy
SPECIES: Eriophyllum wallacei
FAMILY: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 4/3/2017
LOCATION: Ricardo Campground, Red Rock Canyon State Park, Kern County, CA
Treatment from Jepson eFlora:
Habit: Annual 1--15 cm, often tufted, woolly.
Leaf: 7--20 mm, spoon-shaped to obovate, entire or 3-lobed.
Inflorescence: head 1; peduncle 1--3 cm; involucre 5--7 mm, bell-shaped; phyllaries 5--10, acute, free; receptacle hemispheric.
Ray Flower: 5--10; ray 3--4 mm, yellow, occasionally cream-white.
Disk Flower: many; corolla 2--3 mm, throat minutely puberulent; anther tip awl-like, glabrous.
Fruit: +- 2 mm, narrowly club-shaped, glabrous or minutely strigose; pappus (0)0.4--0.8 mm.
Ecology: Chaparral, sagebrush or desert scrub or woodland;
Elevation: 30--2400 m.
Bioregional Distribution: e SnFrB, SnGb, SnBr, PR, SNE, D;
Distribution Outside California: to southwestern Utah, northwestern Arizona, northern Baja California.
Flowering Time: Dec--Jul
Synonyms: Eriophyllum wallacei var. calvescens S.F. Blake; Eriophyllum aureum Brandegee
eFlora Treatment Author: John S. Mooring & Dale E. Johnson (annual species)
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