7/8/16 Along Mill Creek, Lundy Canyon Trail, Inyo National Forest,
Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
7/4/16 Seep off Rock Creek Road, Inyo National Forest,
Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
7/4/16 Seep off Rock Creek Road, Inyo National Forest,
Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
7/4/16 Seep off Rock Creek Road, Inyo National Forest,
Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
7/4/16 Seep off Rock Creek Road, Inyo National Forest,
Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
COMMON NAME: Large Mountain/Tiling's Monkeyflower
SPECIES: Mimulus tilingii
FAMILY: Phrymaceae (Lopseed Family)
FAMILY: Phrymaceae (Lopseed Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 7/4/2016
LOCATION: Seep off Rock Creek Road, Inyo National Forest, Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):
Perennial, 2–35 cm, rhizomed, glabrous to ± hairy
Leaf: petiole 0–25 mm; blade 5–30 mm, elliptic to ± round; pairs at nodes not fused
Inflorescence: flowers 1–5 per stem, solitary in axils of upper leaves, not in bracted raceme
Flowers opening; pedicel 10–90 mm; calyx 7–25 mm, asymmetrically swollen in fruit, glabrous to puberulent, lobes unequal, lowest 2 upcurved in fruit; corolla yellow, tube-throat 17–45 mm; placentas axile
Fruit 5–10 mm
Ecology: Seeps, streamsides, wet meadows
Elevation: 1400–3400 m.
Bioregional distribution: Northwestern California, High Cascade Range, High Sierra Nevada, San Bernardino Mountains, San Jacinto Mountains, n East of Sierra Nevada (Sweetwater Mtns), White and Inyo Mountains
Distribution outside California: to Alaska, Montana, Colorado
Flowering time: Jul–Sep
Intergrades with M. guttatus in some areas

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