Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Cylindropuntia ramosissima (Pencil Cholla, Diamond Cholla)

3/4/17 Shaver's Valley, Eastern Riverside County, CA

3/4/17 Shaver's Valley, Eastern Riverside County, CA

4/3/11 Shaver's Valley


COMMON NAME: Pencil Cholla, Diamond Cholla

SPECIES: Cylindropuntia ramosissma

FAMILY: Cactaceae (Cactus Family)

LIFE LIST DATE: 4/3/2011

LOCATION: Shaver's Valley, Eastern Riverside County, CA


Treatment from Jepson eFlora:

Habit: Plant < 1.5 m. 

Stem: trunk 1--several, decumbent to erect, main branches spreading to ascending; terminal segments < 10 cm, 4--8 mm diam, firmly attached; tubercles 4.5--8.5 mm, <= 1 mm high. 

Spines: generally 1, < 6 cm, pink-gray to dark brown, sheath +- white to pale yellow. 

Flower: inner perianth < 6 mm, orange-pink to red-brown; filaments pale green. 

Fruit: dry, proximal tubercles +- = distal; base obtuse to acute, generally continuous with stem; spines dense (0), bur-like. 

Seed: < 5 mm, generally fertile. 

Ecology: Creosote-bush/white bur-sage, saltbush, other desert scrub; 

Elevation: < 1300 m. 

Bioregional Distribution: D; 

Distribution Outside California: Nevada, Arizona, northern Mexico (Sonora, Baja California). 

Flowering Time: Apr--Aug Note: See Cylindropuntia echinocarpa

eFlora Treatment Author: Marc Baker, Bruce D. Parfitt & Jon Rebman

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