7/4/16 Seep off Rock Creek Road, Eastern Sierra,
Inyo National Forest, Mono County, CA
7/4/16 Seep off Rock Creek Road
7/7/16 Campsite next to Green Creek, Toiyabe National Forest,
Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
7/8/16 Lundy Canyon Trail, Inyo National Forest,
Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
7/3/16 North Lake Road, Bishop region, Eastern Sierra,
Inyo National Forest, Inyo County, CA
Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
7/3/16 North Lake Road, Bishop region, Eastern Sierra,
Inyo National Forest, Inyo County, CA
COMMON NAME: Coulter's Daisy, Large Mountain Fleabane
SPECIES: Erigeron coulteri
FAMILY: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
FAMILY: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 7/3/2016
LOCATION: North Lake Road, Bishop region, Eastern Sierra, Inyo National Forest, Inyo County, CA
Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):
Perennial 20–70 cm, from thin rhizomes, 0–3-branched above mid-stem, glabrous below, sparsely hairy above
Leaves: basal generally 5–12 cm, ± oblanceolate, entire or with 2–6 pairs of shallow teeth; cauline oblanceolate to elliptic-ovate, ± clasping, little reduced
Inflorescence: heads 1–4, 10–16 mm diam; phyllaries ± equal, sessile-glandular, nonglandular hairs with black crosswalls and bases
Ray flowers 45–140; corollas 11–20 mm, ligules white, coiled
Fruit: pappus bristles 20–25
Ecology: Streambanks, wet meadows, coniferous forest
Elevation: ± 1900–3400 m.
Bioregional distribution: High Sierra Nevada, Warner Mountains
Distribution outside California: to Oregon, Wyoming, New Mexico

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