5/6/07 Doane Pond, Palomar Mountain State Park, N. San Diego County, CA
4/9/00 Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Riverside County, CA
3/24/19 Vernal Pool Trail, Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve,
Murrieta, SW Riverside County, CA
3/24/19 Vernal Pool Trail, Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve,
Murrieta, SW Riverside County, CA
5/8/04 Roadside off Hwy. 79 at meadow north of park headquarters. Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, San Diego County, CA
5/19/17 William Heise County Park, Laguna Mountains, San Diego County, CA
5/19/17 William Heise County Park, Laguna Mountains, San Diego County, CA
COMMON NAME: Southern Checkerbloom
COMMON NAME: Southern Checkerbloom
SPECIES: Sidalcea sparsifolia
FAMILY: Malvaceae (Mallow Family)
LOCATION: Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserver, Murrieta, SW Riverside County, CA
From Jepson eFlora:
Perennial herb 2–8 dm, from thick fibrous crown, caudex short, rhizomes generally 0. Stem: hairs stellate or bristles.
Leaf: crowded near stem base; blades 2–6(8) cm wide, stellate-hairy, lower crenate to shallowly 7-lobed, upper few, lobed ± to base.
Inflorescence: exceeding leaves, generally branched, (15)30–45 cm, flowers > 10.
Flower: calyx 6–10 mm, densely stellate-puberulent, many hairs on margins, veins longer; petals 1–2.5 cm, pink-rose.
Fruit: segment 2.5–3 mm, weakly to moderate-net-veined-pitted, glandular-puberulent, beak short.
Periodically moist to dry grassy slopes or ± flat places, chaparral often with Artemisia, oaks; < 2200 m. s Sierra Nevada Foothills, Outer South Coast Ranges, Southwestern California; northern Baja California. [Sidalcea malviflora (DC.) A. Gray subsp. sparsifolia C.L. Hitchc.; Sidalcea malviflora var. hirsuta C.L. Hitchc.; Sidalcea malviflora var. stellata C.L. Hitchc.; Sidalcea malviflora var. uliginosa C.L. Hitchc.] Intergrades with Sidalcea malviflora subsp. californica, Sidalcea neomexicana; evaluation of possible infraspecific taxa, including those of C.L. Hitchc., needed. With Sidalcea neomexicana, among southernmost in genus. Mar–Jun
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