Thursday, May 18, 2017

Cylindropuntia californica var. parkeri (Cane Cholla)

 3/23/19 Harford Springs Reserve, Gavilan Hills, Riverside County, CA

 3/23/19 Harford Springs Reserve, Gavilan Hills, Riverside County, CA

 3/23/19 Harford Springs Reserve, Gavilan Hills, Riverside County, CA

3/11/17 Harford Springs Reserve, Gavilan Hills, Riverside County, CA 

3/11/17 Harford Springs Reserve, Gavilan Hills, Riverside County, CA 

3/14/19 Temescal Wash south of Corona Lake, Riverside County, CA 

3/14/19 Temescal Wash south of Corona Lake, Riverside County, CA 


COMMON NAME: Cane Cholla

SPECIES: Cylindropuntia californica var. parkeri

FAMILY: Cactaceae (Cactus Family)

LIFE LIST DATE: 3/11/2017

LOCATION: Harford Springs Reserve, Gavilan Hills, Riverside County, CA

Treatment from Jepson eFlora:

Habit: Plant < 3 m. 

Stem: terminal segments generally 16--40 cm, 1.7--4 cm diam, firmly attached; tubercle 16--35 mm, < 7 mm high. 

Spines: 0--20, generally < 3.5 cm, yellow to orange-brown, sheath translucent white to gold-brown. 

Ecology: Chaparral, pinyon/juniper woodland; 

Elevation: 700--1900 m. 

Bioregional Distribution: sw SnJV (Cuyama Valley), s SCoRO (Cuyama River Canyon), PR, w DSon; 

Distribution Outside California: northern Baja California. 

Flowering Time: Apr--Jul 

Note: Densely spined forms can be confused with Cylindropuntia ganderi

Synonyms: Opuntia parryi Engelm.; Opuntia parryi var. parryi; Opuntia californica (Torr. & A. Gray) Coville var. parkeri (J.M. Coult.) Pinkava; Opuntia echinocarpa var. parkeri J.M. Coult.; Opuntia bernardina Parish

eFlora Treatment Author: Marc Baker, Bruce D. Parfitt & Jon Rebman

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