3/23/19 Harford Springs Reserve, Gavilan Hills,
Riverside County, CA
3/23/19 Harford Springs Reserve
3/23/19 Harford Springs Reserve
3/23/19 Harford Springs Reserve
3/23/19 Harford Springs Reserve
3/23/19 Harford Springs Reserve

3/6/05 North side of Wilson Valley Road between Hwy. 371 and Reed Valley Road, Aguanga area, Riverside County, CA
3/6/05 Wilson Valley Road
3/6/05 Wilson Valley Road
3/6/05 Wilson Valley Road
3/6/05 Wilson Valley Road
3/6/05 Wilson Valley Road
3/26/05 Hwy. 247 (Barstow to Lucerne Valley) just south of gas pipeline road, San Bernardino County, CA
3/26/05 Hwy. 247 (Barstow to Lucerne Valley)
SPECIES: Platystemon californicus
FAMILY: Papaveraceae (Poppy Family)
FAMILY: Papaveraceae (Poppy Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 3/6/2005
LOCATION: North side of Wilson Valley Road between Hwy. 371 and Reed Valley Road, Aguanga area, Riverside County, CA
Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):
Annual 10–30 cm, shaggy-hairy; sap colorless
Leaves basal and cauline, opposite, 2–8 cm, linear to lanceolate or narrowly oblong, entire
Inflorescence: flowers solitary, terminal; peduncle 10–20 cm
Flower: sepals 3, hairy; petals 6, free, elliptic, white to yellowish, 8–16 mm, persistent after pollination; stamens > 12, free, filaments flattened; longitudinal ovary segments (carpels) generally 9–18, fused, separating in fruit
Fruit: segments 10–16 mm, linear, narrowed between seeds, breaking into 1-seeded units
Seed 1 mm, elliptic to reniform, smooth, brown
Ecology: Open grasslands, sandy soils, burns
Elevation: < 1000 m.
Bioregional distribution: California Floristic Province, w Desert
Distribution outside California: to Oregon, Utah, Arizona, Baja California
Flowering time: Mar–May
Highly variable
Synonyms: vars. crinitus Greene, horridulus Greene, nutans Brandegee, and ornithopus (Greene) Munz
Plants of s ChI (Santa Barbara Island) have been called var. ciliatus Dunkle, Santa Barbara Island cream cups

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