Sunday, February 14, 2016

Plagiobothrys undulatus (Hooked Popcorn Flower)

4/15/01 Near main vernal pool, Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve,
Murrieta, SW Riverside County, CA

4/17/05 At old percolation pit ("mini" vernal pool), Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve

 4/17/05 Near boardwalk at main vernal pool, Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve

4/17/05 Near boardwalk at main vernal pool, SRP


COMMON NAME: Hooked Popcorn Flower

SPECIES: Plagiobothrys undulatus

FAMILY: Boraginaceae (Borage Family)


LOCATION: Near main vernal pool, Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Murrieta, SW Riverside County, CA


Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):

Annual, sparsely short-strigose

Stem spreading to erect, 1–3 dm

Leaves cauline; lower 2–6 cm

Inflorescence: bracts few; pedicels inconspicuous, generally 0–1 mm

Flower: calyx ± 2 mm; corolla 1.5–2 mm wide

Fruit: nutlet 1–1.6 mm, ovoid to lance-ovoid; back generally ± flat; midrib, lateral ribs 0 to obscure; cross-ribs low, ± curved; interspaces narrower than or as wide as cross-ribs; scar lateral near base, linear, in groove below keel

Ecology: Vernal pools, wet places

Elevation: < 400 m.  

Bioregional distribution: North Coast, Outer North Coast Ranges, s Sacramento Valley, Central Coast, San Francisco Bay Area, Outer South Coast Ranges, South Coast, Western Transverse Ranges, Peninsular Ranges.May intergrade with  P. chorisianus in SnFrB.

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