Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Salvia dorrii (Desert Sage, Grayball Sage)

 4/27/01 Near campsite #19 at Hole-in-the-Wall,
Mojave National Preserve, San Bernardino County, CA

4/27/01 Hole-in-the-Wall 

5/24/03 Roadside en route to Mid Hills from Black Canyon Road, 
Mojave National Preserve, San Bernardino County, CA

5/4/03 Arthur B. Ripley Desert Woodland State Park,
Antelope Valley, Western Mojave Desert, Los Angeles County, CA 

7/4/02 Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest at 10,040' elevation, 
White Mountains, Inyo County, CA


COMMON NAME: Desert Sage, Grayball Sage

SPECIES: Salvia dorrii

FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)


LOCATION: Near campsite #19 at Hole-in-the-Wall, Mojave National Preserve, San Bernardino County, CA


Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):

Shrub, spreading to mat-forming, 10–70 cm, densely white-scaly throughout

Leaf 4–30 mm, linear to spoon-shaped, ± entire

Inflorescence: clusters generally 12–30 mm wide; bracts 5–12(14) mm, ± round

Flower: calyx generally 6–11 mm, blue, purple, or rose, upper lip generally entire, rounded, lobes of lower lip acute, not spine-tipped; corolla tube generally 6–13 mm, blue, rarely purple, rose, or white, upper lip 2-lobed, 2–3 mm, < lower; stamens and style exerted

Fruit: nutlet, 1.8–3.5 mm, gray to reddish brown

Ecology: Common. Dry, mostly rocky places

Elevation: 1000–4000 m.  

Bioregional distribution: nw High Cascade Range, s High Sierra Nevada (e slope), Tehachapi Mountain Area, Great Basin Floristic Province, n Mojave Desert  

Distribution outside California: to Washington, Idaho, Utah, Arizona

Highly variable; vars. intergrade.

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