7/9/16 SR 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.), Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest,
Sierra Nevada, Mono County
7/9/16 SR 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.), Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest,
Sierra Nevada, Mono County
8/16/04 Dirt road from cabins to Lundy Trail, Lundy Canyon, Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
8/16/04 Lundy Canyon
7/4/05 Roadside meadow at Mill Creek, 5 miles up County Road 64
(Jess Valley Road) from town of Likely, Modoc County, CA
7/2/05 East side of Hwy. 395 between Litchfield and Ravendale,
near mile marker 97, Lassen County, CA
7/4/05 Roadside meadow at Mill Creek, 5 miles up County Road 64
(Jess Valley Road) from town of Likely, Modoc County, CA
7/2/05 East side of Hwy. 395 between Litchfield and Ravendale,
near mile marker 97, Lassen County, CA
COMMON NAME: Nude Buckwheat
COMMON NAME: Nude Buckwheat
SPECIES: Eriogonum nudum
FAMILY: Polygonaceae (Buckwheat Family)
FAMILY: Polygonaceae (Buckwheat Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 8/16/2004
LOCATION: Dirt road from cabins to Lundy Trail, Lundy Canyon, Eastern Sierra, Mono County, CA
Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):
Eriogonum nudum var. nudum:
Leaves basal, generally 20–50 mm; margins ± flat
Inflorescence much-branched, slender, glabrous; involucres generally 2–5 per node, 3–5 mm, ± glabrous
Flower: perianth 2–3 mm, white, glabrous
Ecology: Abundant. Sand or gravel
Elevation: 70–2300 m.
Bioregional distribution: Northwestern California, Cascade Range, Sierra Nevada, San Francisco Bay Area
Distribution outside California: to Washington, w Nevada
Highly variable; intergrades with all other vars. Not on immediate coast

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