8/15/11 Onion Valley, 9,200' elevation, Inyo National Forest,
Independence Region, Eastern Sierra, Inyo County, CA
8/15/11 Onion Valley
7/3/16 North Lake, Bishop region, Eastern Sierra,
Inyo National Forest, Inyo County, CA
7/8/00 Onion Valley
7/6/02 Onion Valley
8/15/04 Roadside across from meadow south of South Lake at 9,700',
Bishop region, Inyo National Forest, Eastern Sierra, Inyo County, CA
Bishop region, Inyo National Forest, Eastern Sierra, Inyo County, CA
COMMON NAME: Western Monkshood
COMMON NAME: Western Monkshood
SPECIES: Aconitum columbianum
FAMILY: Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 7/8/2000
LOCATION: Onion Valley 9,200', Inyo National Forest (Independence region), Eastern Sierra, Inyo County, CA
Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):
Plant 3–15(20) dm
Stem erect, less often reclining or twining above; upper axils (including inflorescence) with deciduous bulblets or not
Leaf 3–17 cm, 5–14 cm wide; deep lobes 3–5, wedge- to diamond-shaped, toothed to irregularly cut or lobed above middle
Inflorescence 5–55 cm, open
Flower: sepals deep bluish purple or white to yellow-green, upper 10–15(20) mm, beak 3–8 mm, lateral 8–18 mm, round to reniform, lower 7–12 mm, lanceolate to ovate; upper petals blue to whitish, spur < blade, lower petals 0
Fruit glabrous to puberulent, glandular or not
Ecology: Streambanks, moist areas, meadows, coniferous forest
Elevation: 600–2900 m.
Bioregional distribution: Northwestern California (except North Coast), Cascade Range, High Sierra Nevada, Modoc Plateau, n East of Sierra Nevada (Sweetwater Mtns)
Distribution outside California: to British Columbia, South Dakota, New Mexico
Flowering time: Jul–Aug
Synonyms: A. geranioides Greene, A. leibergii Greene
Plants with bulblets (KR, n SNH) have been called var. howellii (A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.) C.L. Hitchc. [A. hanseni Greene, A. viviparum Greene]

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