7/16/05 On our property in La Cresta, Murrieta, SW Riverside County, CA
7/31/05 On our property
7/31/05 On our property
COMMON NAME: Vinegarweed
COMMON NAME: Vinegarweed
SPECIES: Trichostema lanceolata
FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)
FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 7/16/2005
LOCATION: On our property in La Cresta, Murrieta, SW Riverside County, CA
Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993) :
Annual < 1 m
Stem: short hairs appressed, long hairs soft, spreading, some hairs glandular
Leaf: petiole indistinct or < 4 mm; blade 2–7 cm, lanceolate to narrowly ovate, length > 3 X width, lateral veins prominent near base
Flower: calyx lobes = to 3 X tube, uppermost often narrower; corolla tube 5–10 mm, curved abruptly upward near throat, exserted, lower lip 4–8 mm; stamens 13–20 mm, much exserted, strongly arched
Ecology: Dry, open, generally disturbed habitats
Ecology: Dry, open, generally disturbed habitats
Elevation: generally < 1000 m.
Bioregional distribution: California Floristic Province
Distribution outside California: Oregon, Baja California

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