6/12/04 Round Valley Trail, 9,000' elevation, Mt. San Jacinto SP, Riverside County, CA
COMMON NAME: Creeping Snowberry
COMMON NAME: Creeping Snowberry
SPECIES: Symphoricarpos mollis
FAMILY: Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 6/12/2004
LOCATION: Round Valley Trail, 9,000' elevation, Mt. San Jacinto SP, Riverside County, CA
Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):
Plant trailing or creeping, 1.5–6 dm, ± glabrous to soft-hairy
Stem: branches often rooting; root-crowns and old nodes often becoming very swollen
Leaf: blade 0.5–3 cm
Inflorescence: flowers 2–8
Flower: calyx limb spreading, divided halfway; corolla ± 4 mm, bell-shaped, pink (often red outside), lobes ± erect, 1/2 corolla length, hairy inside; nectary glands below all 5 lobes
Fruit ± 8 mm, round
Seed 2–4 mm
Ecology: Ridges, slopes, open places in woods
Elevation: 9–3000 m.
Bioregional distribution: Northwestern California, Cascade Range, Sierra Nevada, Central Western California, Southwestern California, Modoc Plateau
Distribution outside California: to British Columbia, Idaho, New Mexico
Two ill-defined forms may be recognized: S. acutus (A. Gray) Dieck (twig hairs spreading, leaves densely hairy below; chiefly SN); S. hesperius G.N. Jones (twigs puberulent, leaves thin, sparsely hairy below; chiefly KR)

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