5/7/05 Pentachaeta Trail, Triunfo Creek Park,
Santa Monica Mountains, Westlake Village, Los Angeles County, CA
5/7/05 Pentachaeta Trail
4/30/05 Happy Canyon Road, Figueroa Mountain Recreation Area,
Santa Lucia Ranger District, Los Padres National Forest, Santa Barbara County, CA
4/30/05 Happy Canyon Road, Figueroa Mountain Recreation Area,
Santa Lucia Ranger District, Los Padres National Forest, Santa Barbara County, CA
COMMON NAME: Purple Sage
COMMON NAME: Purple Sage
SPECIES: Salvia leucophylla
FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)
FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 5/7/2005
LOCATION: Pentachaeta Trail, Triunfo Creek Park, Santa Monica Mountains, Westlake Village, Los Angeles County, CA
Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):
Shrub, prostrate to erect, < 1.5 m; hairs dense, branched
Leaf 2–8 cm, oblong-lanceolate, puckered, base ± truncate to ± cordate; teeth small, rounded; margin sometimes rolled under
Inflorescence: clusters 1.5–4 cm wide; bracts ovate, < calyx
Flower: calyx 8–12 mm, upper lip entire, acute, not spine-tipped, lower lip generally 0; corolla tube 6–13 mm, rose-lavender, upper lip 6–8 mm, slightly < lower lip; stamens and style exerted
Fruit: nutlet 2–3 mm, brown or dark gray
Ecology: Dry, open hills
Elevation: 50–800 m.
Bioregional distribution: s Central Coast, Outer South Coast Ranges, South Coast, Western Transverse Ranges, San Gabriel Mountains
Distribution outside California: Baja California

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