5/26/01 Near campsites #18 & 19, Jumbo Rocks, Joshua Tree National Park,
Riverside County, CA
5/26/01 Jumbo Rocks, JTNP
5/26/01 Jumbo Rocks, JTNP
5/30/99 Off road near Belle Campground, Joshua Tree National Park, Riverside County, CA
5/23/98 Desert View Nature Trail, Red Rock Canyon State Park, Kern County, CA
COMMON NAME: Bladder Sage, Paper Bag Bush
COMMON NAME: Bladder Sage, Paper Bag Bush
SPECIES: Salazaria mexicana
FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)
FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)
LIFE LIST DATE: 5/23/1998
LOCATION: Desert View Nature Trail, Red Rock Canyon State Park, Kern County, CA
Treatment from The Jepson Manual (1993):
Shrub, 5–10(15) dm, ± rounded, branched
Stem: lateral branches spreading, rigid, tips becoming spine-like; twigs ± candescent
Leaf short-petioled to subsessile; blade 3–15(20) mm, 2–8 mm wide, generally ovate to elliptic, base rounded, margin entire, glabrous to puberulent
Inflorescences axillary at distal 3–10 nodes; flowers 2; axis finely glandular-puberulent; bracts 0
Flower 2-lipped; calyx lobes ± equal, entire, purplish, becoming 1–2 cm, bladder-like in fruit; corolla 15–25 mm, upper lip ± entire, white to light violet, lower lip ± 3 lobed, violet to purple; stamens 4, generally enclosed by upper lip, lower stamen pair < upper pair, anthers ciliate
Fruit: nutlets, widely ovoid, short-stalked, tubercles
Ecology: Sandy to gravelly slopes, washes, scrub, woodland
Elevation: < 1800 m.
Bioregional distribution: s East of Sierra Nevada, Desert
Distribution outside California: to Utah, Texas, n Mexico
Flowering time: Mar–Jun

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